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Notice on the Calculation of the 2021 Budget
Editor:International Cooperation Division .October.22.2020 230

All subunits,

As per the “Notice on the Calculation of the 2021 Financial Budget” issued by the Ministry of Finance, all subunits are kindly requested to fill out the “Application Form for Budget Quota for Official Overseas (Cross-border) Missions by Provincial Administrative Institutions” and send the electronic version of the application form as well as its scanned copy (paper version with official seal) to the following email box: before October 25. The calculation shall be carried out by subunits and submission by individuals will not accepted.

As the budget calculation falls on weekends, all subunits are kindly requested to attach great importance to the work and ensure that the required forms could be submitted on schedule.

Contact Persons: Fan 0351-3176398

                            Wu 0351-3176391

Attachment:   Application Form for Budget Quota for Official Overseas (Cross-border) Missions by Provincial Administrative Institutions.xls;