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Huang Qingxue sends a letter of condolences to the chancellor of Kabul University
Editor:International Cooperation Division .November.04.2020 143

On November 4, President Huang Qingxue sent a letter to Mohammad Osman Babury, the chancellor of Kabul University (KU) in Afghanistan, expressing condolences on the shooting incident in KU.

In the letter of condolence, Huang Qingxue expressed his sadness over the horrible shooting incident in KU, which caused large casualties to students.

Huang Qingxue extended his deep condolences to those in KU who had lost their lives and strongly condemned the terrorist act.

He wished all students and staff as well as Chancellor Babury safe and sound, and Afghanistan peace and prosperity at an early date.

It has been verified that no personnel from TYUT who are currently working at the Confucius Institute at KU were injured or killed in the attack.