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TYUT sends a delegation to the United Kingdom and Ireland for inter-university visits and exchanges
Editor:International Cooperation Division .June.06.2019 89

At the invitation of Prof. Andrew Ball, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research and Enterprise, of the University of Huddersfield in the UK, and Dr. Niall Seery, Vice President Academic Affairs & Registrar of Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland, Vice President Lv Yongkang went to the United Kingdom and Ireland for inter-university visits and exchanges from 29 May to 5 June. The heads of the Personnel Division, College of Materials Science and Engineering, and College of Environmental Science and Engineering joined the visit.


During his visit to the University of Huddersfield, Lv Yongkang held a discussion with Professor Jane Owen Lynch, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Teaching and Learning, introducing in detail TYUT’s construction of the “double first-class” disciplines and university, exchanging views with the latter on cooperation issues such as the exchange of talents and students etc., and planning the cooperation programs between the two universities. He also visited the Department of Engineering and Technology, Huddersfield Center for Research in Education and Society, and Innovative Design Lab Research Center; and met with Gu Fengshou from the Department of Engineering and Technology, a distinguished professor specially recruited by TYUT.


During his visit to Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT), Lv Yongkang met with Dr. Niall Seery, Vice President Academic Affairs & Registrar and discussed in depth the cooperation between the two universities on scientific research and the exchange of students and visiting scholars etc. He also visited Bioscience Research Institute, Materials Research Institute, and Software Research Institute, and interacted with the Chinese students in AIT.


During the visit, Lv Yongkang also participated in a meeting with overseas students and introduced to them TYUT’s strategy of strengthening itself with talents and its policy on the recruitment of overseas high-level talents. Over 20 fresh graduates with a PhD from the world’s top 200 universities in the QS World University Rankings signed letters of intent for employment with TYUT.


This visit is an important measure to further promote the implementation of the internationalization strategy of TYUT, and a specific action to recruit “high-level talents” for TYUT to construct the “double first-class” university. The inter-university exchanges and talent recruitment event conducted in this visit are of great significance for further accelerating the construction of TYUT “double first-class” university and implementing the strategy of strengthening TYUT with talents.