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Liang Weiguo conducts special surveys on the internationalization work in certain colleges
Editor:International Cooperation Division .January.11.2019 79


In early January, Vice President Liang Weiguo went to four colleges, namely the College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, College of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and College of Mining Engineering, to conduct special surveys on the internationalization work.


The four colleges reported respectively on the progress they had made in the internationalization work, the difficulties they had encountered, and the plans they had in mind. Liang Weiguo pointed out that over the past two plus years since the internationalization strategy was implemented, TYUT had reached a common understanding of the importance and connotation of internationalization; and the internationalization work had been included in the agenda of all subunits and was on track gradually. These surveys are meant to remobilize the staff and rearrange the internationalization work at the end of the year and the beginning of a new year according to the unified leadership of TYUT Party Committee.


Liang Weiguo pointed out that the focus of TYUT’s internationalization strategy is the internationalization of its subunits, and all subunits should shoulder the responsibility of being the main actors for the internationalization of TYUT. Working towards the construction goal of “internationalizing teaching, research, students and administration”, all subunits should re-plan and rearrange their internationalization work by improving the top-level design, clarifying the construction goals and refining the measures, so as to strengthen and expedite the implementation.


Liang Weiguo requested that each and every discipline should, in view of its own characteristics, pinpoint a few global leading universities and research institutions in their respective field and make efforts to promote its cooperation with them. Different disciplines should adopt different cooperation promotion strategies that suit their specific conditions, highlight their focuses and are in line with their features. “First-class” and key construction disciplines should take high-level research cooperation, application for international research programs and strengthening platform construction as their internationalization goals. Disciplines with a large number of international students should aim to strengthen their exchanges and cooperation with countries along the “Belt and Road”, spread the voice of China and tell the Chinese stories.


The heads of the Personnel Division, Finance Division, Graduate School, Science and Technology Research Institute and International Cooperation Division took part in the surveys.