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TYUT Party Committee Secretary Zheng Qiang visits the International Cooperation Division
Editor:International Cooperation Division .July.17.2020 166

On the morning of July 15, Zheng Qiang, Party Committee Secretary of TYUT, visited the International Cooperation Division (ICD). He interacted cordially with the staff of ICD, inquiring in detail about their roles, titles, specialties, academic qualifications, educational and working experience.

During the visit, Zheng Qiang listened to the introduction of TYUT’s internationalization work, and learned about its internationalization goals, latest progresses with the internationalization construction and achievements made in recent years as well as the priorities, development goals and outstanding issues of the internationalization work in 2020. Zheng Qiang pointed out that the ICD is an important window for the internationalization of a university, a symbol of the modern university, and a hub for a modern university to carry out its foreign exchanges and cooperation. The ICD serves to promote the international and open education of a university and is the designated and executing unit for all foreign exchange programs of a university. He emphasized that the ICD of TYUT should accurately position itself, play its role as the window and banner, specify the connotation of internationalization work, focus on the key tasks of the university’s international exchanges, enable faculty and staff to engage in international exchanges more actively, and promote the internationalization of education.